British life-- Hiking and We did it.
The hike runs from Monday 4th November until Wednesday 7th and comes back London around 1 am Tuesday 8th.
The plan:
Monday 4th: 9:30 am train from London Euston to Whitehaven, walk 12 miles/20 km to YHA Ennerdale, where we will stay both nights, arriving around 8 pm.
Tuesday 5th: Set off in the morning to enjoy an 18 mile/29 km hike (roughly 10 hours of walking) arriving back at the hostel for the second night.
Wednesday 6th: Leave as early as possible to hike back to the Whitehaven train station so we do not miss the last train at 6:30 pm! Arriving back in Euston late Wednesday evening, maybe 1 am if we get the last train.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Doctor KONAN / 木南,也在其Youtube影片中提到,鉄道好きにはたまらない、ユニオンステーション(Union Station)です。コロラド州議事堂、モーリー・ブラウンの家、ラリマー・スクエア、16番ストリート。Galaxy OSMAndオフラインナビテスト。 <デンバーについて> 標高が約1マイル(約1609.344メートル)に位置することから、「...
「20 miles to km」的推薦目錄:
20 miles to km 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的最佳解答
這款大家應該都很熟,原為二戰運輸機C-47原,在1960年代越戰期間,改裝成空中砲艇「AC-47」,代號「幽靈」(Spooky),綽號被稱「噴火神龍」(Puff, the Magic Dragon,出自1963年發表的美國流行歌曲〈魔法龍帕夫〉)
The Douglas AC-47 Spooky (also nicknamed "Puff, the Magic Dragon") was the first in a series of gunships developed by the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War. It was designed to provide more firepower than light and medium ground-attack aircraft in certain situations when ground forces called for close air support.
In August 1964, years of fixed-wing gunship experimentation reached a new peak with Project Tailchaser under the direction of Capt. John C. Simons. This test involved the conversion of a single Convair C-131B to be capable of firing a single GAU-2/A Minigun at a downward angle out of the left side of the aircraft. Even crude grease pencil crosshairs were quickly discovered to enable a pilot flying in a pylon turn to hit a stationary area target with relative accuracy and ease. The Armament Development and Test Center tested the craft at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, but lack of funding soon suspended the tests. In 1964, Capt. Ron W. Terry returned from temporary duty in Vietnam as part of an Air Force Systems Command team reviewing all aspects of air operations in counter-insurgency warfare, where he had noted the usefulness of C-47s and C-123s orbiting as flare ships during night attacks on fortified hamlets. He received permission to conduct a live-fire test using the C-131 and revived the side-firing gunship program.
By October, Capt. Terry's team under Project Gunship provided a C-47D, which was converted to a similar standard as the Project Tailchaser aircraft and armed with three miniguns, which were initially mounted on locally fabricated mounts—essentially strapped gun pods intended for fixed-wing aircraft (SUU-11/A) onto a mount allowing them to be fired remotely out the port side. Captain Terry and a testing team arrived at Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, on 2 December 1964, with equipment needed to modify two C-47s. The first test aircraft (43-48579, a C-47B-5-DK mail courier converted to C-47D standard by removal of its superchargers) was ready by 11 December, the second by 15 December, and both were allocated to the 1st Air Commando Squadron for combat testing. The newly dubbed "FC-47" often operated under the radio call sign "Puff". Its primary mission involved protecting villages, hamlets, and personnel from mass attacks by VC guerrilla units.
Puff's first significant success occurred on the night of 23–24 December 1964. An FC-47 arrived over the Special Forces outpost at Tranh Yend in the Mekong Delta just 37 minutes after an air support request, fired 4,500 rounds of ammunition, and broke the Viet Cong attack. The FC-47 was then called to support a second outpost at Trung Hung, about 20 miles (32 km) away. The aircraft again blunted the VC attack and forced a retreat. Between 15 and 26 December, all the FC-47's 16 combat sorties were successful. On 8 February 1965, an FC-47 flying over the Bong Son area of Vietnam’s Central Highlands demonstrated its capabilities in the process of blunting a Viet Cong offensive. For over four hours, it fired 20,500 rounds into a Viet Cong hilltop position, killing an estimated 300 Viet Cong troops.
The early gunship trials were so successful, the second aircraft was returned to the United States early in 1965 to provide crew training. In July 1965, Headquarters USAF ordered TAC to establish an AC-47 squadron. By November 1965, a total of five aircraft were operating with the 4th Air Commando Squadron, activated in August as the first operational unit, and by the end of 1965, a total of 26 had been converted. Training Detachment 8, 1st Air Commando Wing, was subsequently established at Forbes AFB, Kansas. In Operation Big Shoot, the 4th ACS in Vietnam grew to 20 AC-47s (16 aircraft plus four reserves for attrition).
The 4th ACS deployed to Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Vietnam, on 14 November 1965. Now using the call sign "Spooky", each of its three 7.62 mm miniguns could selectively fire either 50 or 100 rounds per second. It can be seen in action here. Cruising in an overhead left-hand orbit at 120 knots air speed at an altitude of 3,000 feet (910 m), the gunship could put a bullet or glowing red tracer (every fifth round) bullet into every square yard of a football field-sized target in potentially less than 10 seconds. And, as long as its 45-flare and 24,000-round basic load of ammunition held out, it could do this intermittently while loitering over the target for hours.
In May 1966, the squadron moved north to Nha Trang Air Base to join the newly activated 14th Air Commando Wing. The 3rd Air Commando Squadron was activated at Nha Trang on 5 April 1968 as a second AC-47 squadron, with both squadrons redesignated as Special Operations Squadrons on 1 August 1968. Flights of both squadrons were stationed at bases throughout South Vietnam, and one flight of the 4th SOS served at Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base with the 432nd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing. The superb work of the two AC-47 squadrons, each with 16 AC-47s flown by aircrews younger than the aircraft they flew, was undoubtedly a key contributor to the award of the Presidential Unit Citation to the 14th Air Commando Wing in June 1968.
One of the most publicized battles of the Vietnam War was the siege of Khe Sanh in early 1968, known as "Operation Niagara". More than 24,000 tactical and 2700 B-52 strikes dropped 110,000 tons of ordnance in attacks that averaged over 300 sorties per day. During the two and a half months of combat in that tiny area, fighters were in the air day and night. At night, AC-47 gunships kept up a constant chatter of fire against enemy troops. During darkness, AC-47 gunships provided illumination against enemy troops.
The AC-47D gunship should not be confused with a small number of C-47s which were fitted with electronic equipment in the 1950s. Prior to 1962, these aircraft were designated AC-47D. When a new designation system was adopted in 1962, these became EC-47Ds. The original gunships had been designated FC-47D by the United States Air Force, but with protests from fighter pilots, this designation was changed to AC-47D during 1965. Of the 53 aircraft converted to AC-47 configuration, 41 served in Vietnam and 19 were lost to all causes, 12 in combat. Combat reports indicate that no village or hamlet under Spooky Squadron protection was ever lost, and a plethora of reports from civilians and military personnel were made about AC-47s coming to the rescue and saving their lives.
As the United States began Project Gunship II and Project Gunship III, many of the remaining AC-47Ds were transferred to the Vietnam Air Force, the Royal Lao Air Force, and to Cambodia's Khmer Air Force, after Prince Norodom Sihanouk was deposed in a coup by General Lon Nol.
A1C John L. Levitow, an AC-47 loadmaster with the 3rd SOS, received the Medal of Honor for saving his aircraft, Spooky 71, from destruction on 24 February 1969 during a fire support mission at Long Binh. The aircraft was struck by an 82-mm mortar round that inflicted 3,500 shrapnel holes, wounding Levitow 40 times, but he used his body to jettison an armed magnesium flare, which ignited shortly after Levitow ejected it from the aircraft, allowing the AC-47 to return to base. #Phoenix
20 miles to km 在 小偉 Running Coach - Wei Facebook 的最讚貼文
【20 公里貓空長征】+3.2公里暖身 (English below)
和「真男人」以及「北市大各選手」一同練跑的趣味在於,大家跑步的時候都會雙眼緊盯前方跑者的後腦勺,一聲也不吭,因此,除了路過車子的引擎聲,也只能聽到在周圍環繞的此起彼落的呼吸。這和我在(維吉尼亞)大學田徑社練跑的氛圍截然不同。同樣跑山路,我們大學田徑社練跑的時候就很會製造噪音,就算是跑間歇,也會有學弟在旁邊嬉鬧,不過,我發現就算他們外在表現的不以為然,他們內在的競爭心理卻不容小覷。我就親眼見過學弟學長跑到吐,跑到摔在地上,甚至在比賽中途幹拐子互嗆 (看到一群瘦排骨在那邊互相攻擊其實滿搞笑的)。總歸是文化上的差異吧,我也沒有特別偏好哪種氣氛,能夠一起練跑我就覺得很幸福。
9/2 菜單:3.2公里暖身+20 公里 @ 1:15:55 (3:48/km)。最後兩公里有力氣加速,約3:30/km,狀況不錯,很期待之後可以碰到涼爽的天氣(9月中旬我又要離開台灣囉!)
感謝跑友原原 Chang-Yuan Hsieh提供影片!
Haven't been posting as much as I like, but I haven't been slacking! Enjoy this dramatic clip of runners running, sweaty shorts, and refueling-in-motion. A good workout, but still quite hot and humid...really looking forward to cooler weather (or polar-vortex-weather -- an anouncement coming soon!).
This Sunday: 2 mile warmup + 12.5 miles steady over hilly terrain (6:08/mile, closed 1.5 miles at ~5:35/mile).
As always, many thanks to 2012 London Olympian Chang Chia-che and the University of Taipei distance squad for letting me join in!
20 miles to km 在 Doctor KONAN / 木南 Youtube 的精選貼文
鉄道好きにはたまらない、ユニオンステーション(Union Station)です。コロラド州議事堂、モーリー・ブラウンの家、ラリマー・スクエア、16番ストリート。Galaxy OSMAndオフラインナビテスト。
標高が約1マイル(約1609.344メートル)に位置することから、「マイル・ハイ・シティー」(The Mile-High City)の愛称で呼ばれ、コロラド州会議事堂の階段やメジャーリーグのコロラド・ロッキーズの本拠地であるクアーズ・フィールドのアッパーデッキの座席の列などに、1マイルを示す特別なカラーリングが施されているよ。
アムトラックのデンバー駅 (ユニオン・ステーション)は1915年建造の石造りの古い駅舎を使用しています。 これぞ鉄道駅といった風格のある立派な建物で、1日1往復しか列車がない現在でも駅としての貫禄を失っておらず、このような駅のあるデンバー市が羨ましいです。 オリジナルの駅舎は1881年に建てられましたが、火災や改修などで大きく形を変えてゆき、1915年に今の状態になったということです。 この駅が最も賑わったのは1920~30年代で、この時は1日に80本の列車が乗り入れていたそうです。 また、1958年まではこの駅の利用客が空港の利用客を上回っていました。 旅客列車は凋落しましたが、駅舎は町の歴史的建造物として残され、デンバー・ダウンタウンのランドマーク的存在になっています。 この駅はアムトラック係員にいる有人駅なので、駅施設は整っています。 この駅の線路配置は北東-南西の方向に敷かれていますが、南西方向の線路は行き止まりになっているので、列車はスイッチバックをして北東側(シカゴ方面)から進入してくることになります。 デンバーは補給駅なので、列車はここで20~30分停車します。
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The City and County of Denver is the capital and most populous municipality of the U.S. state of Colorado. As of 2014, Denver is also the most populous county in Colorado.
Denver is located in the South Platte River Valley on the western edge of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.
The Denver downtown district is located immediately east of the confluence of Cherry Creek with the South Platte River, approximately 12 miles (19 km) east of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
Denver is nicknamed the Mile-High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile (5,280 feet or 1,609.344 meters) above sea level, making it one of the highest major cities in the United States.
The 105th meridian west of Greenwich, the longitudinal reference for the Mountain Time Zone, passes directly through Denver Union Station.
ポニーテールとシュシュ AKB48
作詞:秋元康 作曲:多田慎也 編曲:生田真心
板野友美 · 大島優子 · 小野恵令奈 · 河西智美 · 柏木由紀 · 北原里英 · 小嶋陽菜 · 篠田麻里子 · 高城亜樹 · 高橋みなみ · 前田敦子 · 松井珠理奈 · 峯岸みなみ · 宮崎美穂 · 宮澤佐江 · 渡辺麻友
Ponytail to Shushu (Ponytail and Scrunchie)/ AKB48 [Official]
AKB48 16th Single “Ponytail to Shushu”
Lyrics: Yasushi Akimoto / Composer: Shinya Tada / Arranger: Ikuta Machine
【MV】 ポニーテールとシュシュ / AKB48 [公式]

20 miles to km 在 CEO gives his car to employee who walked 20 miles to work 的推薦與評價
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